John Solt
for Khun Na
the price for this poem
was too high
someone had to die
the new baby
is passed around
at his aunt's funeral
she drowned at thirty three
in a lifetime of sorrow
and three inches of water
go ahead and jump
you ain't got a clue
the chickens here
walk around
as if they never
heard of "bird flu"
bunless burgers
meatless burgers
hold the mustard
hold the mayo
just give me an empty one
the first night
just an old blanket
on the corpse
the second night
a coffin with lights
and flowers
the same sadness
that she's dead
the police in costume
played themselves
when they broke up
the carnival
his hairlip
worshipped symmetry
and synchronicity
hours before the chanting
a string was strung
from the sutra to the deceased
who said
"here today
gone tomorrow"
and where are
they now?
should've been
"here yesterday
gone today"
moths swarm furiously
at the funeral lights
invigorating death
with flickering
one of the five monks
left his cushion and sat
with the mourning family
aging is
the sutra reading
gave dignity
to her mysterious
a three year old boy
runs up to the coffin
"auntie, wake up
wake up!"
he asks
"why is she sleeping so long?
why is she
in a box?"
he talked about
stopping genocide
with a casino tone of voice
the old people
her saintliness
because she passed
unchanged smooth skin
and not a drop
of blood
the three girls
got new clothes
for their mother's
it's saddest
for the young ones
who don't
yet realize
how sad
it is
the monks
arrive for the cremation
in a wire netted truck
usually for chickens
or deporting aliens
the music is guilty
of welling up
an infinite sadness
for some the cremation
is an occasion
to show gold jewelry
against black clothing
his manliness
made him weep
like a woman
everyone wants a cremation like hers
but who is willing to die for it?
firecrackers explode
while the coffin
is carried from house
to temple
the saint says
"go ahead
and burn me"
the oldest monk
can afford to show up late
makes up for it
downing a soft drink
with gusto
during the sutra chanting
the hiss of betal nut spit
the cremation
is a horizontal wire
test of emotions
some partake
from a distance
not wanting
closer to the coffin
the pure weep
the monks with the shortest time to live
hold the string to the coffin taut
while the younger monks
let it slacken in their palms
hushed silence
and the crackle
of flames
the fearful
hold onto each other
not to get pulled along
and out
the mother's tears
pour out
crystal anguish
summer heat
coming off
a burning corpse
while she is burning
they throw on
the trinkets
she cherished
peeling away
each layer
to the bone
then marrow